A series of online events that's happening live. And it's all free.

CiDA 2020: PodCASE Wednesdays

Event kick off at 5:00 p.m. PST / 8:00 p.m. EST (U.S.)

Introducing the PodCASE

CiDA is committed to holding our annual meeting in 2020. It will take the form of an online, one hour PodCASE - delivered weekly for 4+ weeks that remain controversial, fun, engaging, relevant and worth your time.

Access will be free, and the PodCases will be archived for later viewing.


Migration of Stent to Right Atrium – The Heartbreak of Stenting


Cephalic Arch Stenosis – Common problem; too many choices?


Emergency Access – Crashlanders Early Cannulation Graft or Catheter +AVF/PD


Non-surgical (perc) AVF creation - Creating Mature AV Access


Failed AVF's and AVG's – Now What?


Symptomatic Subclavian Vein Occlusion


Meet the Sponsors

5:00 p.m. PST / 8:00 p.m. EST: 30min “Meet the Sponsors”

Meet the Faculty

5:30 p.m. PST / 8:30 p.m. EST: 30min “Meet the Faculty”


6:00 p.m. PST / 9:00 p.m. EST: 60min PodCASE

Post-PodCase Industry Session

7:00 p.m. PST / 10:00 p.m. EST: Post-PodCASE Industry Session

A Bit About CiDA

The CiDA meeting was started 17 years ago by Ingemar Davidson MD, PhD, (a transplant surgeon) and Bart Dolmatch MD, FSIR, (an interventional radiologist) who saw a need to deliver better care for patients with kidney failure. Since its inception, the CiDA meeting has grown in popularity and continues to evolve with the changing times.

Bob Dylan put it best, the times they are a-changin'. And we are quickly adapting to these ever changing times by going virtual in 2020.

The culture of this meeting is in its name - CiDA - the acronym for Controversies in Dialysis Access.

The kidney failure patient has complex medical needs, and optimal solutions to provide life-saving renal replacement may not be obvious. Surgeons, Nephrologists, Interventional Radiologists, staff at dialysis units, and others are all equipped with different training, experience, and expertise. All of these providers offer certain elements of patient care. But care isn’t seamless, and there are many different ways to “see” the issues that these patients face.

CiDA says, “Perfect. Bring your ideas and let’s see where we agree and disagree so we can improve care for people with kidney failure.”