The Ellipsys Vascular Access System enables physicians to percutaneously create an AVF for
hemodialysis access. Using only ultrasound guidance and venous access, the single catheter Ellipsys
System creates a connection between the perforating vein and proximal radial artery. Low power thermal
energy welds the walls of these vessels, creating an immediate and permanent anastomosis without any
foreign material or implant (including suture). Over 2,500 Ellipsys procedures have been performed with
no device related complications and two year functional patency of 91.6%. Ellipsys is the only endoAVF
device with published data on US patient population and has more than 15 peer-reviewed publications to
Each Session 5:00 p.m. PST / 8:00 p.m. EST: 30min “Meet the Sponsors”